
Version 1 (modified by soujak, 18 years ago) (diff)


Internal tricks

During real and deep developing time, we faced some obstacles seeming hard to overcome, but we did. That is because a few tricks helped us.

An early faced obstacle was the process queue tail pointer updating in pcb.c module, avoiding to use a global-visible variable, but passing a parameter. To do this, each involved function receives a pointer to that queue pointer (i.e. a double pointer).

We use the same hack on a different situation, writing st.c source, where we enjoined double advantages. Maintaining a tree after insertion/removal operations, means updating a couple of pointers, and so knowing their location. Because of the fact that tree is single-linked, going back the tree becomes impossible, and so, each of such operations must be performed starting one level higher in the hierarchy. Here another problem comes up: starting from a node, which of its child is the wanted one? As pointed up above, we found just one solution for both problem: using a pointer to the father's field (s_leftC/s_rightC), which point to the target node.

But, as you can see, there is another question: which is the ancestor of the root element? If it does not exist, the solution just explained gets wrong and need a small modification: the insertion of a dummy node, pointed to by semdRoot, as root node, which makes the whole semaphore descriptors tree the dummy's left-progeny.

This change suggests another hack, in order to find a suitable place to store the free list. It contains descriptors of each inactive semaphore: we linked it as a list, using s_rightC field, avoiding memory space wastes.

 Semaphore Tree structure:
               |      |
               | HEAD |
               .'   '.
           __.'       '.__
          |__|         |__|
        __.''.__         '.__
       |__|  |__|         |__|

      |          |     |      |
       `--------'       `----'
          AST          Free List

  Further details can be found directly in source code :)