@relation ClassifierTest @attribute StringAtt1 string @attribute NominalAtt1 {r, g} @attribute NumericAtt1 numeric @attribute StringAtt2 string @attribute NominalAtt2 {a, b, c, d} @attribute NumericAtt2 numeric @data humpty ,g , 1.0 ,the ,a ,-2.3 dumpty ,g , 2.0 ,quick ,b ,-3.3 sat ,r , 3.0 ,brown ,c ,-2.4 on ,r , 4.0 ,fox ,d ,-5.3 a ,g , 5.0 ,jumped,a ,-2.6 wall ,r , 6.0 ,over ,b ,-7.3 humpty ,r , 7.0 ,the ,c ,-2.8 dumpty ,g , 8.0 ,lazy ,d ,-9.3 had ,g , 9.0 ,dog ,? ,-2.0 a ,r , 9.4 ,? ,? ,-9.0 great ,r , 1.4 ,the ,a ,-8.3 fall ,g , 2.3 ,quick ,b ,-7.3 all ,r , 3.3 ,brown ,c ,? the ,r , 4.3 ,fox ,d ,-5.3 kings ,g , 5.3 ,jumped,? ,-5.6 horses ,g , 6.5 ,over ,b ,-4.3 and ,r , 7.5 ,the ,c ,-3.8 all ,r , 8.5 ,lazy ,d ,-2.3 the ,r , 9.4 ,? ,a ,-1.0 {0 wall, 2 4.3, 4 d} {1 g, 3 lazy, 5 3.4}